St. John's Maho Bay invites Lady Slipper with its well protected mooring field. A self-appointed sea bird sentry guards the National Park Service pay box on a floating raft hidden among the other pleasure boats in the bay.
We’d heard there would be turtles and we started seeing them immediately after Peter and Kathy finished tying up. We snorkeled in the calm waters of the bay from the boat to the shore. The turtles were Green Sea Turtles, snacking on the sea grass and popping up for air every now and then. They seemed completely unbothered by us snorkeling around. I was surprised to see remora attaching themselves to the turtles, I’m thinking, "how lazy does a fish need to be to choose a turtle to tote them around."
Closer to shore we saw many beautiful tropical fish. The cheap almost toy-like camera I bought online for about 30 bucks did just what I was hoping for in capturing some of the sights. It also surprised me that neither Ivan, Laura nor Kathy showed fear of the large rays we would sometimes come across.
Maho Bay’s invitation delivered a delightful stop.
Thanks for sharing snorkeling experience at St. John and pictures!
What a wonderful experience. Beautiful.